UPDATE (10/19/2022) – ACTION NEEDED! Developers for the Buckeye Rail Yard have provided the City with their responses to questions and updated documentation on proposed planning. We need residents to send comments to the City on these proposals, which shows no substantive changes and still has a significant negative impact on the wooded areas.
Additional comments on these new plans should be emailed to Cheryl Smith at The deadline is Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 5:00pm. If possible, please cc:
UPDATE (6/29/2022) – Additional comments were submitted by the Commission regarding revised documentation.
UPDATE (5/31/2022) – Comments were submitted by the Far West Side Area Commission and several other interested parties, including our West Scioto Area Commission partners. When the City response becomes available, information will be posted here in addition to any further action steps.
(4/22/2022) The former site of the Buckeye Rail Yard is slated for development with the potential for over 4 million square feet of warehouse space. While there are economic benefits to be attained, our Commission is concerned with the disposition of the approximately 50-acres of woods located on the western side of the property. The Far West Side is significantly lacking in tree canopy coverage. In fact, it is one of the lowest areas at 12% coverage within the City of Columbus, which only averages 22% citywide. (Source: City of Columbus Urban Forestry Master Plan)
Given this parcel currently contains a Stream Protection Corridor Zone, the developers have applied for a storm water variance to move the stream and fill in two wetlands and a pond present on the site. This would entail destruction of the current wooded area with a significantly reduced canopy replacement. The public has an opportunity to comment on the proposed plans, which can be found at: Stormwater Variance Requests.
Visit the City’s Urban Forestry Master Plan to learn more about the plan, which currently does not have protection provisions in cases such as this, or explore the details for trees in our area or citywide at the Urban Tree Canopy map.