About Us

Your Area Commission

On Feb. 4, 2019, Columbus City Council approved Ordinance 0278-2019, enacting Section 3111.22 of the Columbus City Code in order to create the Far West Area Commission (as emergency legislation). Columbus City Council established Area Commissions in the early 1970s. The purpose of an area commission is to act as a liaison between neighborhood groups, property owners, residents, developers and city officials. The Far West Side Area Commission will include residents in Far West Columbus, surrounding townships (Brown, Norwich, Prairie) and Hilliard.


Commission Vision
To cultivate, develop, and advance greater engagement and collaboration between area residents and our city.

Commission Mission
To broaden all residents’ base of understanding through education; empower additional voice with leadership; and advocate sustainable, equitable, and comprehensive solutions for the needs of the Far West Side.

Current Commissioners and Officers:

Chair: Sharon Rastatter
Vice Chair: Debi Hampton
Treasurer: Todd Wildman
Secretary: Jeff Woodson
Zoning Chair: Kelley Arnold
Commissioners: Jim Garrett, Awatif Elnour, Christopher Hodges, Justin Fogt